A message from Hans
Why Choose Sunchill?
I build the Sunchill, a premium inflatable for boaters, floaters, and pool-goers. It's a dog-proof, cannonball-tested ring of fun that is both a magnet for the kiddos and a haven for the grown-ups.
The Sunchill packs down small and pumps up quick, really! It is 8ft wide when inflated yet still packs into a small bag the size of a sleeping bag. It takes 90 seconds to inflate and even less time to deflate and pack away. It only weighs 18lbs but can hold a boatload of friends on the water. This float was designed by a boater for boaters and there is not one corner cut or one feature overlooked.
The seams are heat-welded, the D-rings are stainless steel, the thread on the net is chemically-inert Teflon, the pressure release valve activates automatically, the pump inflates and deflates, the color combinations are endless, the drink holders are removable, and because of all that and more I can proudly offer my customers a 5-year warranty on their Sunchill.
I don't make paddleboards. I don't make kayaks. I don't make docks. I sure as hell don't make foam mats. I make the Sunchill and what you are buying is the result of many years of dedication to creating something that just very well might push your next boat day from pretty great to freaking amazing. I welcome you to try out the Sunchill and see for yourself what many of our happy customers have come to consider must-have gear.
Let's Sunchill!
-Hans in Vero Beach
Day 1 to Year 5
From Mom's garage during Covid to a proper workshop full of hard workers and wild colors. It has been a journey and it's still just beginning!